Who Wants to Develop Negotiating Skills?

Who Wants to Develop Negotiating Skills?

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When it comes to home buying, your communication skills are essential. One must master the art of persuasive speaking before they can negotiate a deal. In this line of work, you need to be a people person for adequate results. After all, your goal is for the situation to be a win­win for you and the seller.

Learn about the client,

By befriending the seller you’ll build a sense of trust. Ask plenty of questions.To be able to modify the offer, find out any possible information you can about the seller’s move. By asking if the seller already bought a new place, you’ll determine if this will be a quick closing, longer closing, or a rent­back agreement. It’s also important to know if they had any other offers. When you know their primary motivation to sell, you can move onto the next step.

While speaking with the client,

Be self aware of your own nonverbal communication. Being attentive to the client is more than listening. K eep in mind, the situation may be a trying time for them, so follow these simple suggestions:

●  Let them voice their concerns before you are quick to comment.

●  Even if you’re not in favor of the outcome, express sympathy for your client’s situation and refrain from giving an assertive response. An empathetic response will be disadvantageous for you.

●  Engage in conversation with the client by asking open ended questions to inquire about their needs and concerns. While listening, write down notes to show you’re paying attention.

The energy you project onto your client will have a positive or negative affect on the situation. As the negotiator, actions speak louder than words; call, show up, and do what you say you will.

With the information you have gathered, devise a plan.

The questions you asked the seller will help determine their personality and be the basis of your plan. There is bound to be unclear moments during the negotiation, so prepare by considering all potential options and plan how to attain the best result. Without knowing their underlying motivation to sell, the price issues will obscure your plan. Delineate all possible scenarios, then indicate their experience will be somewhere in the midst of the best and worst case scenarios. This creates trust between you and your client and creates an expectation of how the negotiation will proceed.

Before you put the plan into action, you must practice.

Practice makes perfect and perfect will make you money. As you would prepare for a speech, prepare for the negotiation by speaking out loud. If possible, prepare your responses in front of those you know. You’ll find preparing in front of family, colleagues, or friends is terrifying, yet very helpful than practicing alone. Work on the power of persuasion without sounding overbearing. Without practicing, you’ll display a lack of confidence the seller will notice immediately. On your way to meeting with the seller, do these vocal warmups h ttp://users.humboldt.edu/jfloss/vocal­warmups.html. They sound silly, but will benefit you greatly. All in all, practice to radiate confidence and walk into the deal being optimistic.

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