How To Hire A PRO Contractor

How To Hire A PRO Contractor

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We all know someone who has a horror story about a contractor they’ve hired. I’ve been fortunate throughout my career to have many great experiences with contractors. These experiences weren’t just accidental; let me share a few best practices for hiring PRO contactors…

Finding contractors is easy, finding the right contractor takes time and research. Google search “contractors near me” and a plethora of sites stating “best contractors” will appear. We’ve all heard the saying, you get what you pay for; hiring an inexperienced contractor can be costly in the long run.

Credibility is pivotal when searching for a contractor. After all, a credible contractor will give you peace of mind the project will run smoothly. Before you proceed with the hiring process, there are articles to ask for:

  • Work portfolio–the contractor will be more than happy to show you previous jobs, and if they aren’t, be apprehensive about moving forward.
  • List of past clients–take extra precautions, call previous clients and get information about the contractor’s work ethic. A simple, yet profound question to ask, “Did the contractor meet your expectations?”
  • License and insurance–verify the legitimacy of their insurance and check their license. Avoid having to deal with the repercussions of a uninsured/unlicensed contractor if an accident happens on the job.


After you have verified the contractor’s credibility, your next step is to discuss their prior commitments.

Will they be free when you need them?

A well-qualified contractor will probably have various projects scheduled, so make sure your project will get the attention it needs. 
When you have chosen an ideal contractor, discuss compensation.

Paying for materials upfront is ordinary, paying for the entire job up front, is not. Arrange for payments to be made when the contractor reaches agreed upon timelines.

Overall, if you want a job done efficiently, credibility and communication are essential. Never be sold on the lowest price, get to know your contractor, discuss their previous jobs, ask questions, and always pay on time.

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